Dragon fruit Title

I like to eat many fruits, especially healthy fruits and the Dragon fruit, that was interested.

How to Eat Dragon Fruit Sweet Or Citrus

Who need sweet Dragon Fruit or Citrus, Read how to eat?

Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Dragon Fruit Much More Benefits For Health

Dragon Fruit Much More Benefits For Health

Dragon fruit is not pure, non-toxic, high in fiber, low calorie, rich in vitamin C, chlorophyll, the seeds of the fruit is rich in polyunsaturated fats, all mentions are benefits for healthy. Can resist oxidation reaction. Eat except water relax thirst. Also the healthy skin refreshing. Lady stimulates mammary gland used as fruit health and beauty as well.

The common name: Dragon fruit.
The scientific name: Hylocereus undatus (Haw) Britt. & Rose.
Family name: Pitahaya.

The fruit or the English name is: Dragon Fruit is affiliated with the burning species of cactus fruit is a crawler has grown around the stem when 5 meters. The fruit is a species with roots in both the ground and in the air. Dragon fruit plants like loam soil water and drain well. The place where I grow well is the open sun access. But the sun will not force too bright flowers of fruit are white and large, the flowers long stacked together. Dragon fruit bloom at night. The effect of the dragon is a sphere. Having the color of the shell when the raw materials are green. And when ripe red or magenta. And as a result the wood with a green sepals around its effect. Dragon fruit flesh inside a white will is a breed of Vietnam or Thai But if the meat is red or pink is called varieties of red meat. The flesh of the fruit is similar to sesame seeds, black seeds.

Dragon fruit. FOS substances in high qualified Prebiotic substance that helps balance the bacteria in the intestines. Help excretion. Well, and because it is not absorbed, so eat large amounts will not make you fat. But it cannot be used as a staple food in the diet.

For the common name of the fruit, if based on International Journal will use that Pitaya the Dragon fruit is a popular in the Asia especially East Asia (China, Japan, North Korea, South Taiwan) to get to understand clearly in another way. In some European countries called the dragon that Pitahaya.

The dragon fruit over 100 grams.

Energy 59 kcal.
Water 85.38%.
Protein 1.27 grams.
Fat 0.68 ".
Carbohydrate 11.87 ".
Ash 0.80 ".
Vitamin E 0.35 milligrams.
B1 0.06 ".
B2 0.03 ".
Niacin 0.18 ".

The components into a number. Which has very high doses of dragon fruit. Maintenance function of the digestive system. The meat is a substance called complex polysaccharides. As to reduce the absorption of fat type triglyceride help reduce cholesterol in the blood. The fruit is suitable for people who want to lose weight or weight control, because the resulting caldera benefits quantity more meat can have a full stomach. Full bear called can eat one meal. It can also be eaten in large quantities, without making a fat, high fiber low calorie tear on less. The seed of the fruit, which is chlorophyll Rich in polyunsaturated fats.

The dragon fruit. Also as a result of wood with minerals such as vitamin C, protein, phosphorus, calcium, nourishment skin health and work system of parts of the body Help prevent hypertension, diabetes, fat embolism vascular disease, constipation, strengthen system of waste disposal of the body.

The benefits of dragon fruit

Nourish the skin radiant. Moist.
The fruit is to quench the hot quenching as well.
Enhance immunity to strong.
Fruit weight and helps to control weight. Because the fruit is help in weight loss due to low calorie.
To help combat free radicals in the body. Which helped in slowing the age of aging and wrinkles.
Help prevent heart disease.
Help prevent blockage of the coronary arteries.
A in the treatment of diabetes.
Relieve hypertension.
To relieve the symptoms of anemia.
Contribute to reduce the incidence of cancer.
Stimulate milk driving in women.
Help absorb toxins out of the body, such as the residue as a lead from the exhaust smoke or residues from pesticides.
Nourish your bones and teeth strong.
There are high in fiber help excretion makes it convenient to relieve constipation.
Helps balance the bacteria in the intestine. Solve various tissues as well.
Help prevent prostate cancer
Strengthen the work of waste treatment system in the body better.
Help prevent colon cancer.
The popular eating fresh fruit
Used as an ingredient in fruit salad and fruit juice.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Asian Dragon Fruit Benefits, Eat for Healthy

Asian Dragon Fruit Benefits

Topic is Dragon fruit benefits Asian Dragon English we commonly call Dragon fruit but for overseas in the Europe will use the word "Pitaya" or "Dragon fruit", in Thai call  "kaeo mangkon". The scientific name is called the Hylocereus undatus (Haw) Britt. Rose.

Red peel Dragon fruit
Red peel Dragon fruit

The Dragon originated in South America. Import into Asia Vietnam before about 100 last years. The wood in the cactus can be grown all over the country. But the cultivation of Chanthaburi province Chon at Kanchanaburi, Saraburi, and Samut songkhram. The productivity in March to may air author As a result, the wood with oval shape shell red when doing half will see the flesh is white or red depending on the species. The seed like basil seeds buried throughout the work. The fruit will breed is as follows. Dragon fruit seed shell white red to sweet tastes a little sour. Dragon fruit white yellow peel to taste sweet. Dragon seed shell and red meat red flavor sweeter than other varieties by way of eating is to eat a watermelon. How to eat ? We have any way to eat by cut a half then use a spoon to eat.

Dragon fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to body types, such as vitamin C, vitamin B1 vitamin B2. Niacin calcium potassium magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc. if you eat fruit 1 weight 100 grams. The body can 12.4 g carbohydrate, protein 1.4 g phosphorus 32 mg calcium 9 mg vitamin C 7 mg, energy 66 kilocalorie. Fiber and 2.6 grams, and other additives. The dragon was classified as a health food type one's attention Because the fruit to your health a beauty.

White Dragon fruit
White Dragon fruit

The benefits of dragon fruit.

Fruit for diet right?. Of course, because the fruit with unsaturated fat. The fruit is low in calories and a help in weight control as well, and as a result the wood with a lot of meat, eat and full field. That can be eaten instead of one meal. Despite how much I eat doesn't make you fat. And nourish the skin radiant look healthy. However, should eat moderately or a day, no more than 1. If it is, every day should not eat fruit brand-new repeatedly for several consecutive days. To get the nutrient variety. In order to benefit the body fully. By eating in suitable star team main nutrition should eat fruits a day, 3-5

The benefits of dragon fruit.

  • Nourish the skin radiant. Moist.
  • The fruit is to quench the hot quenching as well.
  • Enhance immunity to strong.
  • Fruit weight and helps to control weight. Because the fruit is help in weight loss due to low-calorie.
  • To help combat free radicals in the body. Which helped in slowing the age of aging and wrinkles.
  • Help prevent heart disease.
  • Help prevent blockage of the coronary arteries.
  • A in the treatment of diabetes.
  • Relieve hypertension.
  • To relieve the symptoms of anemia.
  • Contribute to reduce the incidence of cancer.
  • Stimulate milk driving in women.
  • Help absorb toxins out of the body, such as residue as lead from the smoke exhaust pipe or residues from pesticides.
  • Nourish your bones and teeth strong.
  • There are high in fiber help excretion makes it convenient to relieve constipation.
  • Adjust the balance of intestinal bacteria to solve various tissues as well.
  • Help prevent prostate cancer
  • Strengthen the work of waste treatment system in the body better.
  • Help prevent colon cancer.
  • The popular eating fresh fruit
  • Used as an ingredient in a fruit salad.

Aerk Dragon Fruit
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitaya

Friday, October 30, 2015

The Dragon Fruit For Me For Health, How to grow dragon fruit Plan

The Dragon Fruit For Me For Health

I like to eat many fruits, especially healthy fruits and the Dragon fruit, that was interested. I really talk about that I did not know it. I have seen dragon fruit sale at the market shop, but I think the taste so bad or not delicious. I have seen the seller show it with cutting a half of dragon fruit and seen white fruit pulp and also black seed at that time I think Dragon fruit are not interesting. My thinking may from the color of fruit pulp are not same as watermelon have red color of pulp, it is much more attractive.

Picture of Dragon Fruit
Picture of Dragon Fruit

Till one day I am owner fruit shop and walk through the wholesale market and find the popular fruit in my fruit shop and found the Dragon fruit launch on market. I tried to my fruit shop. I have buy and ask seller "Does Dragon fruit Sweet or not?" The answer "Sweet,Sour and Tasteless". After that saller pick one dragon fruit and sample cut the fruit pulp tasting. OMG I have feel like the Dragon fruit since I tasting. I have conclude with wife. Ok we are buy 20 Km to fill my fruit shop.

Half cutting Dragon Fruit
Half cutting Dragon Fruit, see the black seed an white fruit pulp

Did you know, first day dragon fruit on my fruit shop can sold out in short times why? I ask my buyer why do you like that? And the answer , Dragon fruit is healthy fruit and eating for health.

I don't know the health benefits from Dragon fruit, if I know I will share this blog nest times. Now the important is growing dragon. I don't know, but the description of dragon fruit growing can find in google.

Next I will show how to grow dragon fruit. I plan to plant few day.