Monday, November 16, 2015

Benefits of Dragon Fruit Peel, Don't Leave

Benefits of Dragon Fruit Peel, Don't Leave

We know benefit of Dragon fruit for health. Now learning about how to eat peel. Red dragon fruit peel have betacyanin is antioxidants. Then have full anthocyanin, Vitamin A,B1,B2 and C

The benefits of the fruit peel.

The peel of the dragon fruit contain vitamins and minerals nutritional value greatly. One of them is that of anthocyanin. which are powerful antioxidants beta-carotene than substance to 10 times also of anthocyanin, peel remain in the blood within the body for 75 hours. The blood is conveyed this message to all over the body, have activity against oxidation, antioxidants, prevent aging, aging and prevent Alzheimer's disease.


Protect the body from harmful substances, such as the danger of free-radicals. Of anthocyanins also helps to strengthen the elasticity of the vessel wall to protect the artery wall, reduce blood pressure, skin to clear. Smooth and prevent inflammation and allergic symptoms. Maintenance to prevent arthritis joints have good flexibility, and brighten the eyes against radiation, etc.

How to eat the dragon fruit peel.

1. Eating directly: when we eat fruit. Don't leave the inner bark. Make use of มีดคว้าน inside of the shell and eat them.
2 juice from fruits.: how to eat the most delicious fruit peel is the bringing of juice from fruit. Can add sugar to add sweetness, and soak in the refrigerator for drinking tastes sweet, delicious, thirst and vitamin from nature.
3. Bring Yam: cut dragon fruit peel and cut into lines on a plate. Put in a little sesame oil. Cover a mix and add salt and chicken soup) into the mix well together.
The benefits of the fruit that much. The edible flesh and peel. The fruit is highly valuable.


  1. Dragon Fruit Uses Great information. Thanks for the wonderful article, it may be very helpful for everyone who is conscious about.

  2. Fabulous... I am out of words to say. Just wow. Nice one.
