Dragon fruit Title

I like to eat many fruits, especially healthy fruits and the Dragon fruit, that was interested.

How to Eat Dragon Fruit Sweet Or Citrus

Who need sweet Dragon Fruit or Citrus, Read how to eat?

Friday, October 30, 2015

The Dragon Fruit For Me For Health, How to grow dragon fruit Plan

The Dragon Fruit For Me For Health

I like to eat many fruits, especially healthy fruits and the Dragon fruit, that was interested. I really talk about that I did not know it. I have seen dragon fruit sale at the market shop, but I think the taste so bad or not delicious. I have seen the seller show it with cutting a half of dragon fruit and seen white fruit pulp and also black seed at that time I think Dragon fruit are not interesting. My thinking may from the color of fruit pulp are not same as watermelon have red color of pulp, it is much more attractive.

Picture of Dragon Fruit
Picture of Dragon Fruit

Till one day I am owner fruit shop and walk through the wholesale market and find the popular fruit in my fruit shop and found the Dragon fruit launch on market. I tried to my fruit shop. I have buy and ask seller "Does Dragon fruit Sweet or not?" The answer "Sweet,Sour and Tasteless". After that saller pick one dragon fruit and sample cut the fruit pulp tasting. OMG I have feel like the Dragon fruit since I tasting. I have conclude with wife. Ok we are buy 20 Km to fill my fruit shop.

Half cutting Dragon Fruit
Half cutting Dragon Fruit, see the black seed an white fruit pulp

Did you know, first day dragon fruit on my fruit shop can sold out in short times why? I ask my buyer why do you like that? And the answer , Dragon fruit is healthy fruit and eating for health.

I don't know the health benefits from Dragon fruit, if I know I will share this blog nest times. Now the important is growing dragon. I don't know, but the description of dragon fruit growing can find in google.

Next I will show how to grow dragon fruit. I plan to plant few day.